Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Even Reuters Reports on Their Evil

Interim post-
Sorry for the lack of activity in the last few days- I’m working on a big new post- a major article (give me another day on that).

In the meantime, this is too important and devastating for me to let it pass without a comment though. Here is a news item that is buried on the Boston Globe web site (Reuters story) but should be on the front page.
Here’s a brief quote:

Major General Michael Barbero, deputy director for regional operations in the Joint Staff at the Pentagon, said adults in a vehicle with two children in the back seat were allowed through a Baghdad checkpoint Sunday.
The adults then parked next to a market in the Adamiya area of Baghdad, abandoned the vehicle, and detonated it with the children still inside, according to the general and another defense official.
"Children in the back seat, lower suspicion, we let it move through," Barbero said. "They parked the vehicle, the adults run out and detonate it with the children in the back."
"The brutality and ruthless nature of this enemy hasn't changed," he said.

Could anyone need any more proof that they will destroy the entire world to avoid admitting that they are failed human beings, that they have no future and that their religion is a jape and a sham? The question is: why does Reuters and the Globe even cover it? Can it be that even they are beginning to wake up?

1 comment:

  1. You beat me to it, Yaacov--I was going to add this atrocity to my lengthening list of "Islamofascism-Iraq's Greatest Hits."

    The recent trend of CHLORINE GAS ATTACKS IN CROWDED STREETS is another...

    The string of Internet beheadings, of course...

    ...And who can forget them strapping the bomb-vest onto a poor Baghdad man WITH DOWN'S SYNDROME, and ordering him to march into a line of voters in Jan 05? [he turned back and was blown to smithereens, of course--all in the name of Allah the Merciful]

    Dante wd have had to write a new volume had he known of scenes like this.
