Friday, May 4, 2007

Nancy and Hillary - The Empty Sacks that a Couple of Human Beings Once Lived In

For the month or so that I have been stewing about Nancy Pelosi’s craven fawning over the despot of Damascus I have been trying to put my finger on why I have felt an urgent need to compare her to Hillary Clinton. I knew it wasn’t so much that they are both self-professed feminists and leaders of the Democratic Party. That was too obvious. It wasn’t that they are both unrelievedly ambitious and self-promoting. Honestly, all politicians are, some are just slicker than others about concealing it. It was not even that each of them in her own way has let her naked ambition, self absorption and lust for power trump all pretense at retaining the liberal and feminist ideals they both profess. Too many articles have pointed that out in too much detail (link 1, Link 2 ) to even think it needed to be pointed out again.

No, as I thought about it, there were two things that I thought most other observers had missed.

One was the sheer moral bankruptcy of Pelosi’s junket. At least Clinton had a clear path in mind as she was prostituting her dignity, and the education of her daughter about what a woman should have to expect from a man for her Presidential Ambition.

Pelosi, that holier than thou feminist, on the other hand was just getting carried away with the sheer rapture of being able to throw her weight around. She didn’t seem to have any deep calculation in mind as she played up to the leader of a country in which it is legal for a ny family member to kill a woman relative for so much as flirting with a member of the opposite sex.

She must have known in her heart, even as she helped to cut the Arab reformers and anti-Baathists off at the knees, that her time in power will be brief and that she is such an incompetent that she can’t help sowing the seeds of her own political demise. As I have pointed out before, “The left feels kinship with moribund totalitarians because they share that same doomed feeling of futility and humiliation. The Modern Left knows that with the fall of the Soviet Union, the Capitalization of China, stirrings of successful modernization in India, Mexico and much of the old Soviet block and the defection of the best minds (Hitchens, Podhertz, Kristol, et al) they are no longer the “Modern Left”, they are merely “What’s Left”. It has never been more apparent that their ideas are mawkish, cheap and unworkable. “

The second point has been elusive. Tonight, I finally realized what it was that was so difficult to pin down and yet so compelling. I recalled Hillary’s Suha kiss back in 1999. Sharing the stage with the ultra-wealthy wife of the “savior” of the impoverished Palestinian people, Hillary found herself on the receiving end of a good-ole’ Arab tongue lashing. Mrs Clinton was there in the Palestinian Territories for a ceremony in honor of the opening off an American funded (our tax dollars at work) health program. When Mrs. Arafat got up to speak she tore into the U.S.. In a typical fantastic tour de force of Palestinian calumny (a simple thankyou would have done fine, thanks Mrs. A) she accused us of complicity with Israel in leaking poisonous gas into the Palestinian Territories to sicken and kill Palestinian children. Ms Clinton not only stayed on the dais and listened to the blood libel, when it was over she ran over and planted a big, Hollywood/Washington style kiss on the shocked Mrs. Arafat. Look at this picture- Suha didn’t even know what hit her – one look at the stunned look on her face here and you realize that that day Hillary raise the bar for the height of self-destructive, liberal phoniness she could leap to. Her display of out-of-control fawning and obsequious toadying, however, was only a chilling foretaste of the spectacle Pelosi would make of herself several years later with the dictator of Syria. Here is a shot of our new Lady Speaker giving the Democrat stamp of approval to the guy who gets up every day and finds new ways to smuggle Iranian arms into Lebanon and suicidal Jihadis into Iraq. Here she is,
with evident glee on her face pulling on the bloodstained hands of the foul brute who presides over a country in which her husband could legally beat her to death with a willow stick for so much as shaking that hand. Some feminist.

Assad is bad enough- here is the real face of horror- a woman with the education, freedom, personal wealth and political power to make a real difference in the world and all she cares about is self-aggrandizement and hogging the spotlight. Look at the face of either of these women an you will see the face of horror- a human being who knows they have the opportunity to do something good and are not strong enough to do it. They know they are a waste of space, oxygen and skin and it shows on their faces.


  1. Yaacov - I am linking to your post because EVERYONE should read it! Absolutely first rate reasoning and stellar writing!

    Good Shabbos to you my new friend.

  2. Nancy and Hillary do and say the things that they do because neither of them have any shame whatsoever. They are absolute power-mongers who will do anything to achieve their goals (whatever those are). To wit, Hillary has never shown any compunction about the Rose Law firm records fiasco, her investment boondoggle, nor anything else that she has ever been caught at. No shame at Bill's behavior, either.

    Nancy is a west-coaster, and I'm a Florida guy, so I don't know any specifics of her nastiness, but I'm not uneasy when I assume that she has skeletons in her closet.

  3. Yaacov. Mahbruthaaah. Maahh soul, blood bruthaaaahhh.

    Please. Don't.

    Ever. Ever. NEVER AGAIN...

    Put the words "Hilary was on the receiving end" and "tongue-lashing" EVER AGAIN in the same sentence.

    And then I saw the 2d photo of la Pelosi.

    I'm going to get my barf-bag now.

  4. Excellent post, Yaacov, thank you.

    The "real face of horror" indeed.

    I linked to you on my page but could not link through Blogger.

  5. Yaacov,

    Again, you have nailed something that has been bothering me for a while. I think this paragraph really synthesizes it for me:

    "The left feels kinship with moribund totalitarians because they share that same doomed feeling of futility and humiliation. The Modern Left knows that with the fall of the Soviet Union, the Capitalization of China, stirrings of successful modernization in India, Mexico and much of the old Soviet block and the defection of the best minds (Hitchens, Podhertz, Kristol, et al) they are no longer the "Modern Left", they are merely "What's Left". It has never been more apparent that their ideas are mawkish, cheap and unworkable.

    Your previous post, "thought vs non-thought..." was also well-put. Your quote from Whoopi was a complete synthesis of what I have experienced trying to discuss issues with lefty family members:

    "No. 2, when I take a stance on something, all I can talk to you about it how I feel about it and why. And I don't have to justify it, and you don't have to listen to it. But it is important for everyone to know that they have an opinion and they have a - have a right to express it.""

    Yup, they don't have to justify it.

    Between the two articles, I am finally coming closer to be able to articulate why I just can't stomach the democratic party/leftist thought.
    It's not that I have contempt for them (I was pretty lefty until 9/11), it's that communication is about impossible with them.

    In future articles could you maybe address the moral foundation for this lefty philosophy? It sounds so much like a religion - but lacking any fundamental experience with actual life. It's a moral-sounding code (no torture or humiliation, no killing, human dignity, help the poor) with no basis in real-life experience and no acknowlegement of the failure of similar philosophies.

    Good stuff.

    I'm definitely a fan.


