Friday, August 29, 2008

David Update

A short note as the Sabbath begins-
David's operation went as well as we could have hoped for! Total removal of what he calls "The Alien Thing" with the least possible cutting involved. I am sure that all the prayers, energy and blessings that so many of you have sent his way have made a tremendous difference! Thank you all and bless you for your generous spirit.
He is hurting but healing and I know that the knowledge of your concern has buoyed him as much as it has me!
Thank You All from the Bottom of My Heart


  1. That is so great to hear! We've been praying for him since your previous post went up. That's awesome! Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Good on you David. Wonderful to hear such good news.

  3. Great to hear. Prayers continue for rapid healing and complete end of the neurofibromatosis.

  4. I'm late in checking back here. I had eye surgery on August 29 and am just now up and running full tilt again.

    I will keep David in my prayers.
