Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Prayers, Please!

Breath of the Beast deals mainly with the political and contentious but it is still a personal blog. So, although you, my readers, have mostly been drawn here for the marketplace of ideas, I have sometimes tried your patience with my own personal requests and agendas. Permit me one more of these.

I would like to ask you for your prayers for my second youngest son, David ben Yaacov (for those of you who are Jewish and use the mother’s name too, Mom’s name is Ravital bat Avraham). David will undergo an “urgent” operation this Friday 9/29 to remove a tumor that has shown “rapid growth and cellular changes”. David is ten yeas old and has Neurofibromatosis and will probably be OK after this operation but OK is a relative thing with NF. He is likely to need more of these operations, especially in the next eight or so years of pubescence and adolescence.

Dave has already been through a great deal in his life. Before Ravital and I adopted him and his little brother Yishai from Ukraine, (the picture here is them dressed in their new clothes -ready to leave Ukraine Dave is on the right)they suffered through the death of their biological father (bone cancer- probably from an NF related tumor that was not understood or properly treated over there) and a year in an orphanage. I can assure you he is a good deal more courageous than I am about this.

Let me be clear, my friends, I am asking for your prayers only, we have insurance and a good life. If you would like to do something tangible for David a card (you can send them to David at the Second Draft PO Box 590591, Newton Centre, MA 02459) or a donation to the NF, inc. website or even one the Second Draft Website in his honor would be very nice indeed but not nearly as important to us as your thoughts and prayers.

Until I can return with good news right after Labor Day, blogging will be suspended here for a few days. I do have what I think is a very important post that I have been working on for more than a week.


  1. The Lord bless you, and keep you;
    The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you;
    The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

  2. רפואה שלמה והחלמה מהירה
    i.e. refuah shlema ve hachlama mehira!

  3. You and your son will be in our prayers Yaacov. God Bless.

  4. My thoughts and my fondest hopes are with you and Ravital and Yishai and wee David, Yaacov.



  5. Yaacov, while we all hold our beliefs and spend time articulating them, our children are the reason , I believe we work so hard at it. I will ensure your child is in my thoughts tonight and tomorrow. May Hashem bless you all with good health.

  6. Yaacov,
    Unfortunately I don't know how to pray: growing up in the former Soviet Union I never had a chance to learn. But I sent an e-mail to a Chabad rabbi from my daughter's Hebrew school. A rabbi should help with prayers, right?
    May Hashem grant your son and the rest of your family good health.

  7. David will definitely be in my prayers tonight, tomorrow, Friday and after.

  8. My loving thoughts and prayers for comfort to you and your precious son.

  9. "The LORD will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life;
    he LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

  10. May your whole family have only the good that can come of these trials, and none of the bad.

    For the good, we must usually wait, but the wait is worth it.

  11. Almighty God, into your loving hands I commend David. Please guide the hands of his doctors as they remove the tumor from him, please sit with him as he recovers.

    God of our fathers, we know that your love trancends all, insure that this family feels that love through the trials of the coming days and that they will be bouyed by that love.


  12. My thoughts will be with your son and your family.

  13. I'm not a frequent visitor to this site; a friend alerted me to this posting.

    May the One who made us and knows all our inner workings put his shield of protection around David and give the doctors wisdom and dexterity.

  14. Almighty God our heavenly Father, graciously comfort David in his suffering, and bless the means made use of for his cure. Fill his heart and the hearts of his family with confidence that, though at times they may be afraid, they yet may put their trust in you.

  15. The Lord bless you all through this trying time.

  16. I will pray for you and your son.

  17. What handsome young lads, may God keep him safe and his recovery quick and speedy.

    God Speed young man, I'll include Mom and Dad in my prayers. There is an ole saying, God never gives us more than we can personally bare.

    God Bless.

  18. In the Bible we read that it is God that first loved us and that He is beyond our time as we know it; yet He is here. We are the partners, as it were, of divine romance and all that is seen and unseen is encompassed and sustained in time that issues from the moment -- as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, unto ages of ages is His Glory, amen... is our faith, His righteousness, our fulfilment, His promise, our communion, His delight, our joy and vision. We reach out from this moment because we are convinced He is there, when He is here.

    Prayer is communication of the moment, in time's moment, that reaches into timeless eternity. We plead our case for healing and recovery because we are convinced that the sacrifices of David ben Yaacov transform to promises no matter what the outcome. In time's moment, that young life -- and those close to him -- demonstrate a resolve, a purpose, a connection of love that gives to us and to them assurances for the past and hope for the future because God's promises issue from the timeless moments of now.

    God's mercies endure forever; His faithfulness never ends; His lovingkindness brings peace to restore the soul at times of darkness and bleakness.

    Now and then and when our petitions transform to thankfulness... now.

  19. In the Bible we read that it is God that first loved us and that He is beyond our time as we know it; yet He is here. We are the partners, as it were, of divine romance and all that is seen and unseen is encompassed and sustained in time that issues from the moment -- as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, unto ages of ages is His Glory, amen... is our faith, His righteousness, our fulfilment, His promise, our communion, His delight, our joy and vision. We reach out from this moment because we are convinced He is there, when He is here.

    Prayer is communication of the moment, in time's moment, that reaches into timeless eternity. We plead our case for healing and recovery because we are convinced that the sacrifices of David ben Yaacov transform to promises no matter what the outcome. In time's moment, that young life -- and those close to him -- demonstrate a resolve, a purpose, a connection of love that gives to us and to them assurances for the past and hope for the future because God's promises issue from the timeless moments of now.

    God's mercies endure forever; His faithfulness never ends; His lovingkindness brings peace to restore the soul at times of darkness and bleakness.

    Now and then and when our petitions transform to thankfulness... now.

  20. My best, strongest, most positive thoughts will be with David!

  21. not religious but you have all my best energy wishes directed toward your son...cosmos

  22. May Hashem guide the hands of David's physicians. May He bless you all and return your son and Yishai's brother, whole and well, to the heart of your family.

  23. I will be attending your prayer event in spirit--all the way from Texas. I am hopeful and optimistic that God will find a way to see your son and your family through this ordeal successfully. I have already prayed for David and will continue to do so.

  24. Prayers and respect.

    Adam Lakeman-Turner

  25. I just saw this. How is he doing? Please G-d he'll have a speedy recovery.

    K'sima v'chasima tova

  26. Dave had his post-op follow-up a few days ago- The doctor said he has healed up faster than anyone she has ever operated on!
    It is amazing and heartening that so many people took a moment to support and pray for a little boy they do not know.

    David is an extraordinary boy. His condition (NF) will always require vigilance and occasional interventions; but buoyed by the prayers, fortified by his own iron will and accepting his reality with the sweetness born in his extraordinary soul, he always makes the very best of it.

    Thank You All!
